Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Grandpa at 70th b-day party

Yesterday was my Grandpa Houck’s 70th birthday! I think he had a good time, he’s so funny! I love to see how happy he and my Grandma are, they have been together for so long! They have been married for 52 years! When I think about my own marriage coming up, I think of their long lasting marriage and love and hope Chase and I can have the same.

It saddens me to see divorce rates up. Every couple has their problems, there is no perfect couple! Those who last and thrive are based in love and forgiveness. A long, happy, loving marriage or relationship can last...I have seen it!

Grandma and Grandpa at 50th Anniversary Party
I love this pic! Don't let it fool you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

End of the semester and the Wedding Shower

Well the spring semester has come to an end, which was highly longed for! Chase did well in his classes and now no more staying up till 12:30 doing calculus! I received an A in my first graduate class! I also received high marks on my research paper over Tudor rhetoric, and will be publishing it! I start my second grad. class in July, Kung Fu Film and's going to be fun!

I had a job interview on Tuesday, but it's hard to say how it went. I am waiting to hear back from the principal, I was told that they were in the middle of their interviews. This was my first high school interview. I met with the principal and a panel of English teachers, which was nice, most of their questions were based around English topics. I'll I can tell myself is to just wait and see if there is where I'm suppose to be, is this the path I'm suppose to follow!

Saturday, May 9th was Chase and mine's wedding shower. A really good friend of ours, Carolyn Bell (one of Chase's groomsmen, Colin's mother) offered to give us a shower which was held at her house. We are so thankful to have such great friends and family. The shower was beautiful and so much fun! We played several games, ate good food, and had a good time conversing. My mom and my siblings, Rachel, Mason, Ashley, and Nathan came from Indiana to attend, I was so happy!

After the shower the big day seems so much closer, I can't believe it! All the planning is coming to an end, there are just a few minor things to attend to. We just ordered Chase's ring which we should have Wednesday! I'm so thrilled!!! The cake is taken care of and so are the flowers...Chase picked out the ring pillows and flower girl basket, we got the guest book and pen, and bells for the bride and groom departure! Oh My...It is three weeks away!