Sunday, September 13, 2009

School Year

The school year is off to a good start! My first day went well, my freshmen overall were very quiet and seemed a bit scared. They have opened up and they (so far) are a good bunch! Their levels are not where they should be, but that makes my goals simple though the process will be difficult.

The actual teaching part has been great, but I have been required to attend all kinds of meetings and conferences (where I have to have a sub) that has been difficult…all the paperwork involved for teachers is overwhelming! Especially being a first year teacher, I have to go through the residency year process which means more meetings and observations! Fun, Fun!

Homecoming was Friday and we lost. I can’t imagine the moral at school on Monday! Hopefully the season will improve!

Chase’s school is, well…going! He’s taking chemistry, physics and calculus 3 + 2 labs! Tough load! He seems to be doing well! His company is moving locations; he seems to be happy about that. It’s not too far from his location now so there will not be any drastic distances for him. My drive to Guthrie is wearing on me…it is a bit of a drive. The house hunt has come to a short break since we have to wait a few months to build up a down payment…not sure how this will work out now. We really want to get out of the current house.

I have not been able to write much since the school year started, this upsets me. I’m hoping once I get into a flow, things will tune down…I can only hope.

At times I sense Fall in the air, can’t wait!