Thursday, March 5, 2009


Where we come from has always been a question we ask ourselves and our families. I find it a very interesting subject and have been asking questions to my elders the stories of their lives and the lives of their parents, grandparents and other family members.

Last night my grandma called me and told me she found out we have Scottish origins. A family member has done extensive research and traced the Smith side (my Grandma’s maiden name) to the Scottish family, Steadman (Stedman). I was very excited to hear this! I have always wondered if we have a connection with our ancestors, such as, am I like a great grandmother back in Scotland? Is this part of the reason I am the way I am? I also know a great, great grandmother (I believe on my Grandpa’s side) was from Wales or England. Is this part of the reason why ever since I can remember I have had a fascination with England?

My fiancĂ©'s Granddad, (his mother’s side), who name is Montoya, has traced their origins back to when they first sailed over from Spain to Mexico I believe in the 14th Century. His great grandmother (on his dad’s side) also wrote a book about her life and her family; it is so interesting to read! I’m so happy we got a copy!

This is such a fascinating topic! I can’t wait to learn more!

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