Monday, March 2, 2009

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Think back to your first experiences with books…What did your parents or guardian read to you before bed time? Do you remember when you began reading? Did you start in the 1st Grade? Before that (or after)? I bet at some point you heard the famous words of “I do not like them Sam I Am, I do not like green eggs and ham.” Or the first time you saw the image of that iconic cat with the tall striped hat? And every year around Christmas time we watch that grouchy green Grinch learn the true meaning of the holiday of giving and sharing.

Yes, Dr. Seuss has been apart of so many children’s lives. His books are not only full of colorful images with funny words, but messages to children of acceptance of others. His works also introduce poetry to children at a young age. I have known many teachers to use Dr. Seuss in their high school classes to show students they have been reading poetry all their lives!

Today, March 2, 2009 is Dr. Seuss’s 105 birthday anniversary! So, take some time and reminisce your first experiences with reading, was Dr. Seuss there? And if you haven’t read his books, DO!!! They are not expensive, and disregard your age! Dr. Seuss is for everyone!


Also, check out his biography and see the history behind his words!!

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