Monday, August 17, 2009

Professional Development

For the past few days I have been sitting in professional development classes, which is a good way to start off a school year. I don't know about everyone, but I know I feel "pumped" after a long summer (and the fact I'm a new teacher may have something to do with present emotions). Today we (teachers of GPS) attended a conference given by Dr. Antony Muhammad who spoke about "PLC: Professiona Learning Communities." Now, many of his points were not new to me, since UCO really drilled the same material, but it was great to hear his message sitting with all the teachers in my district. As most of us know the current system does not seem to be helping our students and adapting something new like the PLC, is both exciting and a bit frightening. However, if we all agree change is good and adopt the PLC policies, and we see success in our students, then we should take the chance and create change!

Go to this website to learn more about PLC:

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