Tuesday, August 11, 2009


At the Rock House Plaza (no chase did not carry a bouquet!)

Chase and I have been married, oh a little over two months now. The wedding was beautiful! Everything was amazing! Most of the ceremony is a blur, but I will never forget, Chase cried! First time I ever saw him cry! And of course, I cried as well!
The reception was so much fun, food was great and the cake was wonderful! Thank you so much to all who were there and helped us.

Summer has most certainly flown by! We both just worked a bunch, and my brothers, Nathan and Logan, and sister Rachel came for a visit...such fun!!! My house is so quiet now, it's killin' me!

We recently bought are first new car! It is a 2009 Mercury Mariner, and I-we love it!!

The past few weeks I have been setting up my classroom, which is looking great! I'm so excited to get the school year started. Lesson planning is coming along, slowly. It will take time getting used to the process and the way the school operates. Thank the Lord for Lisa and Joy! :)

Chase's grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary which was a blast! They are such amazing people and I'm so happy to be apart of their lives!

Chase will be starting school next week as well, not looking forward to that. Long days and nights will return:( It is going to be an eventful semester!

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