Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here comes the bride...

I'm getting married June 6th and have weddings on my mind! I have come across many related images that I thought I'd share!


From Eureka Flower Shop-this is my bouquet!




Thorncrown Chapel, where I'm getting married

Unless otherwise indicated, images found at


We have just bought my fiancé’s suit and he is going to look dazzling! We didn’t get a tux, but instead purchased a suit. After we saw the cost, I began wondering if we should have just went with tux rentals…but I just don’t like the look of a tux and I thought he would get more use out of a nice suit. He also shared with me that he does not want to wear something that others have worn; I mean brides don’t rent a gown! Oh well, it may or may not have been an unnecessary spend.

Please share any wedding stories!

The Agnoy and the Ecstasy

The Lover and the Sculptor

The best of artists hath no thought to show
which the rough stone in its superfluous shell
doth not include; to break the marble spell
is all the hand that serves the brain can do

The Artist and His Work

How can that be, lady, which all men learn
by long experience? Shapes that seem alive,
wrought in hard mountain marble, will survive

their maker, whom the years to dust return!

Beauty and the Artist

Beauteous art, brought with us from heaven,
will conquer nature; so divine a power
belongs to him who strives with every nerve.

If I was made for art, from childhood given
a prey for burning beauty to devour,
I blame the mistress I was born to serve.

-Michelangelo Buonarroti

For those fans of art, history and Michelangelo, may I suggest the novel,
The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone?! I read it some time ago and am now rereading it. I'm sure I will be adding to this entry as I read the book!


The Pietà


Part of the Sistine Chapel


Part of the Tomb of the Medicis


The David


Drawing of Leda and the Swan

Images found at

A Fan of the Undead

Painting by Edvard Munch

I have always been a fan of vampire stories. I remember my first vampire read was The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause, which is a young adult novel. I was hooked and searched for more. I was then led to The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice and enjoyed Rice’s more dark and gothic themes. (After several years of searching, I finally have the complete series!) Please, if you are interested don’t see the movies, read the books, they don’t even compare!

Those of you who like more of the classical style, I suggest Dracula by Bram Stoker and The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Even if you don’t like classics but you are a vamp fan, you must read Dracula, the catalyst of all books of the undead! There is also a movie by Francis Ford Coppola which is a very good interpretation of the novel.

The Historian is a modern book but the writing is classical in style.

Kostova concentrates on the historical figure of Vlad Ţepeş, the basis of Stoker’s Dracula, and the locations of the infamous Impaler. This beautifully woven tale of history, geography, and suspense makes a great read not only to vampire fans but also those interested in history.

There is also a good documentary on The History Channel about Vlad Ţepeş and vampires.

I have recently read the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris. I’m on book eight and hooked! These are a more simple read but very intriguing. I have also enjoyed Harris’s inclusion of other mythical creatures. The books are pretty short so those who are weary of the 500-700 page novels check these out!

Yes, I’m going to mention Twilight. I know there are many opinions about this series and certain comments made by a horror fiction writer, but Stephenie Meyer never claimed these books should be in the literary canon! Young adults are reading these books and that’s all I care about…they are reading! I even have a friend who read these books and now she has discovered she really does enjoy reading and now is an avid reader!!

I have read the books and the series reveals a good story. Though her writing style is not up to par according to many, her readers are not looking for that but what will happen to the characters. I did notice her use of other literary works such as Romeo and Juliet and

Wuthering Heights, within the series. I think this was creative to tie these works into her story.

This is a list of my favorite novels of the undead, and if you have read one that I have not mentioned, please, tell me! And if I have mentioned one that has perked your interest

and you would like more information, tell me!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get yourself a reading chair!

The act of sitting down and enjoying a book is fading away. I stress to my students, hell, to everybody the importance of reading. Not only does it relax the body but if fuels the mind! I'm not saying go and pick up Charles Dickens (who is a great writer!) a magazine or a comic book, anything!

One of my goals as an English teacher is to increase reading in my students and to open their eyes to all the genres. I'm confident there is a book out there for everyone, even for the stubbornest of readers! So, I challenge you: go to your local library or bookstore, find something to read*, settle into your comfy chair, and immerse yourself!

"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." -Frederick Douglass

*Some tips for finding a book:
1. Start with what interest you! If you are a history fan try reading biographies or look for historical fiction.

2. Read the blurb and a few pages. If there is a table of contents, read through that as well.

3. Ask around! A friend, a librarian, a teacher, or a book store employee. I first heard of Harry Potter on the Rosie O'Donnell Show (gosh, back in 7th Grade!)

4. Risk it-try something new as well, you just never know! I have never been a fan for fantasy, but reading Lord of the Rings has captured my attention.

Helpful Link:


I had a blog but can't find it! Yes, I guess that can be construed as a bad thing. I wonder if after so long they (google) delete unused material. So, I guess I will start over again.

This blog will concentrate the arts on literature, writing, rhetoric, history, humanities...and anything else I wish to write about!