Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get yourself a reading chair!

The act of sitting down and enjoying a book is fading away. I stress to my students, hell, to everybody the importance of reading. Not only does it relax the body but if fuels the mind! I'm not saying go and pick up Charles Dickens (who is a great writer!)...read a magazine or a comic book, anything!

One of my goals as an English teacher is to increase reading in my students and to open their eyes to all the genres. I'm confident there is a book out there for everyone, even for the stubbornest of readers! So, I challenge you: go to your local library or bookstore, find something to read*, settle into your comfy chair, and immerse yourself!

"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free." -Frederick Douglass

*Some tips for finding a book:
1. Start with what interest you! If you are a history fan try reading biographies or look for historical fiction.

2. Read the blurb and a few pages. If there is a table of contents, read through that as well.

3. Ask around! A friend, a librarian, a teacher, or a book store employee. I first heard of Harry Potter on the Rosie O'Donnell Show (gosh, back in 7th Grade!)

4. Risk it-try something new as well, you just never know! I have never been a fan for fantasy, but reading Lord of the Rings has captured my attention.

Helpful Link:

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