Sunday, September 13, 2009

School Year

The school year is off to a good start! My first day went well, my freshmen overall were very quiet and seemed a bit scared. They have opened up and they (so far) are a good bunch! Their levels are not where they should be, but that makes my goals simple though the process will be difficult.

The actual teaching part has been great, but I have been required to attend all kinds of meetings and conferences (where I have to have a sub) that has been difficult…all the paperwork involved for teachers is overwhelming! Especially being a first year teacher, I have to go through the residency year process which means more meetings and observations! Fun, Fun!

Homecoming was Friday and we lost. I can’t imagine the moral at school on Monday! Hopefully the season will improve!

Chase’s school is, well…going! He’s taking chemistry, physics and calculus 3 + 2 labs! Tough load! He seems to be doing well! His company is moving locations; he seems to be happy about that. It’s not too far from his location now so there will not be any drastic distances for him. My drive to Guthrie is wearing on me…it is a bit of a drive. The house hunt has come to a short break since we have to wait a few months to build up a down payment…not sure how this will work out now. We really want to get out of the current house.

I have not been able to write much since the school year started, this upsets me. I’m hoping once I get into a flow, things will tune down…I can only hope.

At times I sense Fall in the air, can’t wait!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Professional Development

For the past few days I have been sitting in professional development classes, which is a good way to start off a school year. I don't know about everyone, but I know I feel "pumped" after a long summer (and the fact I'm a new teacher may have something to do with present emotions). Today we (teachers of GPS) attended a conference given by Dr. Antony Muhammad who spoke about "PLC: Professiona Learning Communities." Now, many of his points were not new to me, since UCO really drilled the same material, but it was great to hear his message sitting with all the teachers in my district. As most of us know the current system does not seem to be helping our students and adapting something new like the PLC, is both exciting and a bit frightening. However, if we all agree change is good and adopt the PLC policies, and we see success in our students, then we should take the chance and create change!

Go to this website to learn more about PLC:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


At the Rock House Plaza (no chase did not carry a bouquet!)

Chase and I have been married, oh a little over two months now. The wedding was beautiful! Everything was amazing! Most of the ceremony is a blur, but I will never forget, Chase cried! First time I ever saw him cry! And of course, I cried as well!
The reception was so much fun, food was great and the cake was wonderful! Thank you so much to all who were there and helped us.

Summer has most certainly flown by! We both just worked a bunch, and my brothers, Nathan and Logan, and sister Rachel came for a visit...such fun!!! My house is so quiet now, it's killin' me!

We recently bought are first new car! It is a 2009 Mercury Mariner, and I-we love it!!

The past few weeks I have been setting up my classroom, which is looking great! I'm so excited to get the school year started. Lesson planning is coming along, slowly. It will take time getting used to the process and the way the school operates. Thank the Lord for Lisa and Joy! :)

Chase's grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary which was a blast! They are such amazing people and I'm so happy to be apart of their lives!

Chase will be starting school next week as well, not looking forward to that. Long days and nights will return:( It is going to be an eventful semester!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Grandpa at 70th b-day party

Yesterday was my Grandpa Houck’s 70th birthday! I think he had a good time, he’s so funny! I love to see how happy he and my Grandma are, they have been together for so long! They have been married for 52 years! When I think about my own marriage coming up, I think of their long lasting marriage and love and hope Chase and I can have the same.

It saddens me to see divorce rates up. Every couple has their problems, there is no perfect couple! Those who last and thrive are based in love and forgiveness. A long, happy, loving marriage or relationship can last...I have seen it!

Grandma and Grandpa at 50th Anniversary Party
I love this pic! Don't let it fool you!

Friday, May 15, 2009

End of the semester and the Wedding Shower

Well the spring semester has come to an end, which was highly longed for! Chase did well in his classes and now no more staying up till 12:30 doing calculus! I received an A in my first graduate class! I also received high marks on my research paper over Tudor rhetoric, and will be publishing it! I start my second grad. class in July, Kung Fu Film and's going to be fun!

I had a job interview on Tuesday, but it's hard to say how it went. I am waiting to hear back from the principal, I was told that they were in the middle of their interviews. This was my first high school interview. I met with the principal and a panel of English teachers, which was nice, most of their questions were based around English topics. I'll I can tell myself is to just wait and see if there is where I'm suppose to be, is this the path I'm suppose to follow!

Saturday, May 9th was Chase and mine's wedding shower. A really good friend of ours, Carolyn Bell (one of Chase's groomsmen, Colin's mother) offered to give us a shower which was held at her house. We are so thankful to have such great friends and family. The shower was beautiful and so much fun! We played several games, ate good food, and had a good time conversing. My mom and my siblings, Rachel, Mason, Ashley, and Nathan came from Indiana to attend, I was so happy!

After the shower the big day seems so much closer, I can't believe it! All the planning is coming to an end, there are just a few minor things to attend to. We just ordered Chase's ring which we should have Wednesday! I'm so thrilled!!! The cake is taken care of and so are the flowers...Chase picked out the ring pillows and flower girl basket, we got the guest book and pen, and bells for the bride and groom departure! Oh My...It is three weeks away!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Job Fair

I went to a teacher job fair Saturday and I'd have to say I wasn't really pleased...okay, prehaps that is because hardly anybody was looking for an English teacer. Chase and I talked about the educaton market. How often do we hear that there is a shortage for teachers? Quite a bit! But there were so many teachers there! The fair was from 9-1 and that was last names starting with a-n! There were about 200 cars at 9:00! And this is a come and go event, so I'd like to see the numbers of how many attended.

So where is this shortage? Granted, I know the economic times are not up to par, but...?

Anybody need an English teacher? I'm certified!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bright Dark Madonna

Today I would like to introduce you to a series that I have really enjoyed, The Maeve Chronicles. It is a tale about Mary Magdalene, but she is not what you would think! Elizabeth Cunningham, the author, has spent years researching Mary Magdalene and the Celtic culture, that’s right, the Celtic culture!!!

The first book in the series is called, The Passion of Mary Magdalene or this was the first edition, but this is rare (and I own!!) The second book is Magdalene Rising or Daughter of the Shining Isles this was the first edition, but this is rare (and I own!!) and the newest is Bright Dark Madonna. Below is an email from the author. I encourage you to check out the series!!!

Below is an email from the author. I encourage you to check out the series!!!

HAPPY APRIL MAEVE'S DAY, dear friends of Maeve. Help me celebrate!

TELL: In Biblical times there was a saying: word spreads on the birds' wings. A foreseeing of TWITTER, perhaps. If you are on Twitter, MySpace or FaceBook, or if you are old-fashioned like me and just have an address book, please let people know about Bright Dark Madonna. No need to have read the other books to enjoy this one. Maeve's story is like Celtic knotwork that way. You can begin anywhere.

ASK: People often tell me, I looked for your book, but I couldn't find it on the shelf. In these times, inventory is down in all bookstores, especially independents. So if you don't find it, do ask. Booksellers are happy to order books. Ask at your local library, too.

SEE & HEAR: The tour starts Friday, April 3rd at Oblong Books in Rhinebeck, Merritt Books in Millbrook 10:30 Saturday. Local folks: I'll be on WAMC Thurs, April 2 at 9:35. My interview with WVKR will soon be archived here: . Events on the West Coast and Sedona and Santa Fe April 14-26. Check out the whole schedule: I will be belting out some blues and bluegrass as well as reading and telling stories.

THANK YOU, all of you who have written me and kept in touch over the years. A reader is a writer's best friend. You are the ones who bring the stories to life with your imaginations. I write for you. I love hearing from people, but please do forgive me if I can't write back this time. The next few weeks will be pretty packed. Know that I appreciate hearing from you. Thank you again.

As always, if you are on this list in error or wish to be removed, just let me know.

Love and gratitude,


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Well, Watson...

I would like to share what I have been recently reading. "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"! Now don’t laugh, these stories are actually very good and not difficult to understand. “Sherlock” is considered classic and I know many are weary of the classics, but please, give Mr. Holmes a chance! Start of with his numerous short stories and then go with a novel. I assure you, these stories are great!

Definitely check out "The Scandal in Bohemia"!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Where we come from has always been a question we ask ourselves and our families. I find it a very interesting subject and have been asking questions to my elders the stories of their lives and the lives of their parents, grandparents and other family members.

Last night my grandma called me and told me she found out we have Scottish origins. A family member has done extensive research and traced the Smith side (my Grandma’s maiden name) to the Scottish family, Steadman (Stedman). I was very excited to hear this! I have always wondered if we have a connection with our ancestors, such as, am I like a great grandmother back in Scotland? Is this part of the reason I am the way I am? I also know a great, great grandmother (I believe on my Grandpa’s side) was from Wales or England. Is this part of the reason why ever since I can remember I have had a fascination with England?

My fiancé's Granddad, (his mother’s side), who name is Montoya, has traced their origins back to when they first sailed over from Spain to Mexico I believe in the 14th Century. His great grandmother (on his dad’s side) also wrote a book about her life and her family; it is so interesting to read! I’m so happy we got a copy!

This is such a fascinating topic! I can’t wait to learn more!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Aristotle's Branches of Public Speaking

Image: Aristotle and Plato

I didn’t know the complexities of rhetoric and the past few months I have learned so much! For this blog I want to focus on the three traditional branches of speeches as stated by Aristotle in his Rhetoric.

Forensic speech is typical of the courtroom and examines past actions.
Deliberative speech is that of governing bodies (political) and considers future actions.
Epideictic speech or ceremonial, attempts to establish the moral qualities of someone or something at present (Bizzell 172). Topoi or topics/places are then dispersed within each branch to create an argument.

We can hear forensic speech in movies or tv shows dealing with the courtroom. An obvious example would be Law & Order. Another example would be the movie,
A Few Good Men, if you haven’t seen it, check it out! There are many famous cases we can read the transcripts of trials, like the trial of Joan of Arc.

Deliberative speech has been used recently. For those of you who watched President Obama’s inauguration address, this is an example of deliberative speech. We heard him pushing us to future actions in regards to our failing economy. Many speeches given by past presidents have been made famous. President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, President Roosevelt’s address after Pearl Harbor, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” and JFK’s “Ask not what your country can do for you…”

Epideictic speech can be either praise or blame. One of the most famous speeches is Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream.” This speech is a great example off strengthening shared belief of equal rights. The strengthening of beliefs is anther characteristic of this type of speech. We hear this one often and we probably didn’t even realize it! A speech at a funeral or wedding is considered epideictic.

These types of public speech are not only for oral speech but also include all types of discourse, form letters to conversation that is persuasive in intent (Bizzell 3).

Next time you hear someone speaking whether it be on TV/movies, in a classroom, or even the Academy Awards (Dustin Black’s acceptance speech), see if you can recognize the branches of speech being used!
*Many of these branches can be seen within each other.

I have included hyperlinks of the speeches mentioned.

Source: Bizzell and Herzberg. "The Rhetorical Tradition." Bedford/St. Martin. Second Edition, 2001.

Monday, March 2, 2009

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Think back to your first experiences with books…What did your parents or guardian read to you before bed time? Do you remember when you began reading? Did you start in the 1st Grade? Before that (or after)? I bet at some point you heard the famous words of “I do not like them Sam I Am, I do not like green eggs and ham.” Or the first time you saw the image of that iconic cat with the tall striped hat? And every year around Christmas time we watch that grouchy green Grinch learn the true meaning of the holiday of giving and sharing.

Yes, Dr. Seuss has been apart of so many children’s lives. His books are not only full of colorful images with funny words, but messages to children of acceptance of others. His works also introduce poetry to children at a young age. I have known many teachers to use Dr. Seuss in their high school classes to show students they have been reading poetry all their lives!

Today, March 2, 2009 is Dr. Seuss’s 105 birthday anniversary! So, take some time and reminisce your first experiences with reading, was Dr. Seuss there? And if you haven’t read his books, DO!!! They are not expensive, and disregard your age! Dr. Seuss is for everyone!


Also, check out his biography and see the history behind his words!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here comes the bride...

I'm getting married June 6th and have weddings on my mind! I have come across many related images that I thought I'd share!


From Eureka Flower Shop-this is my bouquet!




Thorncrown Chapel, where I'm getting married

Unless otherwise indicated, images found at


We have just bought my fiancé’s suit and he is going to look dazzling! We didn’t get a tux, but instead purchased a suit. After we saw the cost, I began wondering if we should have just went with tux rentals…but I just don’t like the look of a tux and I thought he would get more use out of a nice suit. He also shared with me that he does not want to wear something that others have worn; I mean brides don’t rent a gown! Oh well, it may or may not have been an unnecessary spend.

Please share any wedding stories!

The Agnoy and the Ecstasy

The Lover and the Sculptor

The best of artists hath no thought to show
which the rough stone in its superfluous shell
doth not include; to break the marble spell
is all the hand that serves the brain can do

The Artist and His Work

How can that be, lady, which all men learn
by long experience? Shapes that seem alive,
wrought in hard mountain marble, will survive

their maker, whom the years to dust return!

Beauty and the Artist

Beauteous art, brought with us from heaven,
will conquer nature; so divine a power
belongs to him who strives with every nerve.

If I was made for art, from childhood given
a prey for burning beauty to devour,
I blame the mistress I was born to serve.

-Michelangelo Buonarroti

For those fans of art, history and Michelangelo, may I suggest the novel,
The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone?! I read it some time ago and am now rereading it. I'm sure I will be adding to this entry as I read the book!


The Pietà


Part of the Sistine Chapel


Part of the Tomb of the Medicis


The David


Drawing of Leda and the Swan

Images found at

A Fan of the Undead

Painting by Edvard Munch

I have always been a fan of vampire stories. I remember my first vampire read was The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause, which is a young adult novel. I was hooked and searched for more. I was then led to The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice and enjoyed Rice’s more dark and gothic themes. (After several years of searching, I finally have the complete series!) Please, if you are interested don’t see the movies, read the books, they don’t even compare!

Those of you who like more of the classical style, I suggest Dracula by Bram Stoker and The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Even if you don’t like classics but you are a vamp fan, you must read Dracula, the catalyst of all books of the undead! There is also a movie by Francis Ford Coppola which is a very good interpretation of the novel.

The Historian is a modern book but the writing is classical in style.

Kostova concentrates on the historical figure of Vlad Ţepeş, the basis of Stoker’s Dracula, and the locations of the infamous Impaler. This beautifully woven tale of history, geography, and suspense makes a great read not only to vampire fans but also those interested in history.

There is also a good documentary on The History Channel about Vlad Ţepeş and vampires.

I have recently read the Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris. I’m on book eight and hooked! These are a more simple read but very intriguing. I have also enjoyed Harris’s inclusion of other mythical creatures. The books are pretty short so those who are weary of the 500-700 page novels check these out!

Yes, I’m going to mention Twilight. I know there are many opinions about this series and certain comments made by a horror fiction writer, but Stephenie Meyer never claimed these books should be in the literary canon! Young adults are reading these books and that’s all I care about…they are reading! I even have a friend who read these books and now she has discovered she really does enjoy reading and now is an avid reader!!

I have read the books and the series reveals a good story. Though her writing style is not up to par according to many, her readers are not looking for that but what will happen to the characters. I did notice her use of other literary works such as Romeo and Juliet and

Wuthering Heights, within the series. I think this was creative to tie these works into her story.

This is a list of my favorite novels of the undead, and if you have read one that I have not mentioned, please, tell me! And if I have mentioned one that has perked your interest

and you would like more information, tell me!